readily accept

美 [ˈredɪli əkˈsept]英 [ˈredɪli əkˈsept]
  • 欣然接受
readily acceptreadily accept
  1. But it is also natural in the sense that people readily accept it .


  2. We do other restrictions that we readily accept for our safety and security for ourselves and others .


  3. Most people readily accept the need for laws .


  4. Mary is so credulous that she may readily accept any excuse you make .


  5. So I readily accept that big business can be beneficial to society and is a fact of life .


  6. Humanists may not readily accept the truth .


  7. An exclusive club does not readily accept newcomers .


  8. Through legislation and public education , we have already achieved positive results in encouraging the general public to more readily accept people with disabilities .


  9. If Liu was able to get published in major papers , then we should expect the Chinese people to readily accept more new ideas .


  10. The Acceptant Principle points out that a teacher 's teaching will be effective only when his students readily accept in what is taught .


  11. Consumers would not readily accept most cloths in the state in which they emerge from the weaving , knitting or other manufacturing processes .


  12. So long as we regard the development of philosophy by the school of Miletus as a reasonable process with internal relations , we will readily accept this point .


  13. Scottish banknotes are widely accepted in London , because marks and Spencer and cabbies knows what they are and can treat them as cheques , which their bank will readily accept .


  14. They currently stand at the front line of the undead invasion , with the humans , Halflings and Vulmane already having been forced to move elsewhere and it is a task they readily accept .
